Student Questionnaire

Student Questionnaire:
  1. Name?
  2. Age?
  3. Hobby/Past-time? (What do you do in your spare time)
  4. Language spoken at home?
  5. Favourite theorist? (If none, favourite historical figure)
  6. Favourite movie/One of your favorite movies?
  7. Favourite genre of film?
  8. Who do you want to be? And why?
  9. What do you think Sociology is?
  10. Do you identify as religious? Spiritual? Secular? Why or why not?
  11. Do you see education as a means to a particular end? If so, what is it? 
  12. Do you use any bibliographic software?
  13. What reference style do you prefer to use?
  14. What databases do you usually use when doing electronic literature searches?
  15. What kinds of jobs do you think sociologists do?
  16. Were there any writers you expected to see on the syllabus or would liked to have seen on the syllabus who were not included?

1 comment:

  1. And in the spirit of fairness:

    1. Craig MacKie
    2. 31
    3. Biking, writing, reading, watching movies.
    4. English
    5. Hegel
    6. Hawks and Sparrows by Passolini or Anchorman
    7. Science fiction
    8. I refuse to answer this question. :)
    9. Either the study of society, or whatever you can get funding for.
    10. I identified for years as an agnostic, was raised Catholic, and became an atheist after studying the theological turn in Marxism. I think secularism is filled with a kind of religiosity however.
    11. Education in the academy is about certification. The end should be to attain the means for a decent living while following the ideas you are called towards. My education, hopefully, will facilitate a flourishing life. It seems to be doing so.
    12. Zotero and Refworks, though more and more only Zotero. We are gonna talk about this.
    13. ASA (American Sociological Association). Cause its soooooo easy to write up citations.
    14. JSTOR, EBSCO, Wikipedia, Google Scholar and Sociological Abstracts.
    15. They work in the academy and the run stats for the government and for companies. Sadly, no one outside of the academy will pay you to interpret Foucault.
    16. I think Marx should have been included. Dr. Dagenais has already noted this omission. Marx is one of the founding fathers of Sociology. If you're going to do sociological work, especially in Canada or Europe, you have to become familiar with his work.
